Astrology is part of the Veda in India, ancient and most sacred text of India. There are four Veda in number – Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda. Further, these four Veda have six limbs (‘angas’) or subsidiary studies and ‘jyotisha’ (study of astronomy and astrology) is one of the them. So our ancient too have clubbed Astronomy and Astrology together as they are interlinked and inter-woven.
Casting of a chart in Astrology is a pure science. Predictions is applied astrology. Casting of a chart is the science that involves mathematical calculation for the precise location of planets and 360-degree arc around the earth is divided into 12 section of 30 degrees each called the signs of Zodiac. The astrological chart (like the birth chart) is basically a chart of the heavens at a particular time. At any particular time one of the house or that slice of the sky is rising at the eastern horizon which makes it the rising sign or the ascendant. The various planets are placed in their respective astronomical place (houses) in the chart.
'Predictions' are the accurate deduction of the calculations, involving techniques under the present social and environmental conditions (astrology). Naturally, the practitioner must be well experienced, knowledgeable, wise and impartial because knowledge, experience and ability to translate the ancient text to current situations goes into correct and practical interpretation of this chart.
The most common myth about astrology is that people believe that it is not a science but some hocus pocus based on intuition of the astrologer or some other means. Part of this myth is that most people misunderstand and club astrology with Tarot Cards, psychic, mediums, palm reading and other such means of foretelling and future forecasting. No, they all are different and we are dealing and writing only about Astrology.
Astrology is scientific and based on the movement of planets in the heavens above. Astrology is science of influence of movement of heavenly bodies on the objects on earth, both living and non-living.
Astronomy and Astrology go hand in hand. For clarity it is mentioned again that Birth chart is the chart of the heavens at that place where the person is born and on that time. Hence the three coordinates for making a chart are needed, date, time and place of birth. If you cast an astrological chart of now, you should be able to see the planets in the sky as in the birth chart. Birth chart is merely the representation of the sky, with eastern horizon being the first house and so on and so forth and hence is merely an astronomical chart and so it is pure science. Interpretation is the part which depends, like in all other scientific fields, on the skill, knowledge and experience of the person interpreting it.
The influence of heavenly bodies in the sky on earth and objects on earth is a scientifically proven fact. Moon causes tides in the ocean and every sailor has tide tables, not from now, but since time in memorial based on the movement of Moon. And if human body is over 70% water, why will Moon not have influence on humans. Most science is observation and conclusion based and so is Astrology.
Similarly, our ancients too made observation and wrote their conclusion about the impact of heavenly bodies on the things on earth, both living and non-living. It is also a myth that astrology is of recent origin. No, as mentioned above, Astrology is part of the Veda in India and it is an integral part of Veda as one of the six limbs ('angas’) or subsidiary studies of Veda.
Since ancient time, astrology has been used by Kings and kinsmen for guidance. And basically that is the function of astrology. Astrology is a guiding science and not a binding science. It's guidance can help you make wise decisions and reduce the impact of unhappy events.
Pandit Parsai,author of many books on Astrology, with 40 years of experience and hereditary knowledge of 25 generations, can predict upcoming events in your life and help you make wise decision on every subject and problem and suggest remedies.