Pandit Parsai is a noted authority in Astrology and has authored several books on the subject. For generations knowledge has been passed by word of mouth from father to son. Now 25 generations and 66 years of Pandit Parsai's experience and knowledge of astrology is collected in these books for all. Many of his books have been translated in different languages. All his books are in simple, layman language for everyone to easily understand and gain knowledge of the subject. He has poured his vast years of experience and knowledge into his books for the masses.
Well-known scholar and astrologer Pandit K.B. Parsai and son, Pandit D.K. Parsai, presents a blockbuster on astrological guidance and " predictivesutras ", never before passed beyond father to son or guru to a chosen disciple. This book details subjects to be considered for making predictions under each of the 12 Houses in the birth-chart of a person and the effect of each planet, including combination, with another planet.
Excerpts from the PREFACE:
"This book -- the sixth in the series of STAR GUIDE®from the PARSAI FAMILY -- is born from the recognition of the immortality of human being and the immortality of knowledge (gyan). Normally the concepts and precepts of an ancient knowledge like astrology, (particularly in the predictive side) are passed on from father to his progeny; in other words, kept a closed family secret. But I, born in a small village of Laduna in Madhya Pradesh (INDIA), who had to struggle hard to acquire knowledge and educated myself to obtain double Masters of Arts and Sahitya Ratna (Master of Literature), believe that knowledge must be spread and passed on to generations of people in the tradition of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (the whole world is my family).
Let me make it clear that despite controversies, astrology -- the scientific study of the influence of the visible planets in the cosmos on the life and events on earth, based on mathematical calculation of the placement of the time of an individual's birth -- is under no threat of becoming extinct. The kind of people irrespective of their class, religion, background and nationality seeking astrological guidance is incredible... As in any field, there are people who are genuinely knowledgeable and those who feign to be so. This book should enable readers to differentiate between chaff and the grain.
A word about whether astrology is scientific or not. It has become somewhat fashionable these days to deride astrology publicly and seek it privately. My co-author, Pandit D.K. Parsai, has dealt with the subject at length in Introduction to Astrology. This article should clear the confusion. The problem is that the bogey of astrology being hocus pocus is not being raised by the ignorant, but by the knowledgeable people who do so only for argument's sake. The authors have no means to satisfy such die-hard opponents of astrology. Had astrology being a superstition or hocus pocus, it would have died a natural death, instead of surviving through centuries. What is required is sustained funding for proper and objective research in the subject in public domain.
It is in the fitness of things, that I acknowledge the faith in me of thousands of people from all walks of life, strata, and nationality who have consulted me over the years and thus enriched my experience and wisdom. These include VVIPs, scientist, artists, students, professionals, bureaucrats, industrialist, politicians, film stars, as also poor, resourceless and the ordinary people. I also thanks several friends -- and they know who they are -- who helped in various ways in the production of this book."
By: Pandit Parsai & Pandit Parsai First Published: 2001, Current: 10th Reprint 2021 Format: Soft cover Price: ₹995 plus SH ₹75 (International Shipping extra)
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